Aglow & Arrow

Photography, Community, and Entrepreneurship

Photography Inspiration

I'm a creative creature by nature. I love looking at pretty things and making pretty things. If I don't have things to inspire me... well... I feel like my little creative flame goes out.

I think that is why Pinterest and the internet was created... to satisfy my addiction. ;)

I wanted to share a few people who inspire me the most.

These people really don't know who I am (creepy?), but I have been following their work for years. I hope that seeing their work inspires you too.

Gennine's Art Blog

The first is Geninne from Gennine's Art Blog. I know, her work isn't photography, but hear me out! My first love is drawing and painting. I do not discriminate on what pretty thing I am looking at. Nature, jewelry, graphic design, colored glass, photography... they all have inspired me in one way or another.

(Side note, she takes pictures of her work space and it makes me drool every time. I seriously want to live with her)

River Luna

The second person is RiverLuna. You may have seen her work on Etsy if you look for watercolor paintings. I actually purchased this print from her Etsy shop:

I adore her work and her style is gorgeous. Take a look at these:

PDX Photographer

One of the newest sources of inspiration is PDX Photographer. I first found her on a facebook group for photographers and fell in love.  These shots are from the Woodburn Tulip Festival:

Her Etsy shop is pretty amazing. You should go take a look at it Here!


The next person you should look at is a photographer that I recently started following. She is based out of Australia and her business is called Jinkyart.

What I love are the colors that she uses in her editing process. Its a dreamy childhood fairytale and she gives that feeling in each image. That is something I've always wanted to accomplish with my own work.

I am assuming that she also does some photoshop work adding in animals and other things that aren't actually in the shot. This can definitely be accomplished, but those dreamy colors?! I need to figure out how she does it!

Paint the Moon

The next lovely photographer that I follow is a lady based out of Oregon like me! She shoots with Nikon and does amazing things in Photoshop. She mainly sells Actions, which are photoshop presets that kind of do the editing for you. I would love to purchase these, but think I need to master making my own edits before hand. Her website is called Paint the Moon and her muses are her two adorable daughters.

Look at the pic below and what it was before she edited it! Amazing right? 

Jasmine Star

Finally, when it comes to business expertise and how to handle clients, choosing venues, growing your business and becoming a better photographer, there is no one else that I love more than Jasmine Star. She is phenomenal.

I have essentially gone through all of her tutorials on her blog to improve my own photography and improve my business as a whole. She takes great photo's but manages her clients and social media like a champ.

Who is your inspiration? What is your inspiration? Keep it close. 

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