Aglow & Arrow

Photography, Community, and Entrepreneurship

How to plan your social media content

Let me tell you first and foremost, I took such a long time to realize that social media isn't just a brainless, copy and paste type tool for business.

If your content isn't useful or helpful to your audience, they won't click on it.

For example, I used to just post pictures of brides and comment on what a beautiful wedding it was. That didn't help my future brides other than show them my work. Instead, I started making posts talking about my process, how to choose a photographer, how to plan for wedding pictures. Those actually give something for a bride who is trying to make a decision.

Now, I am going to list the four things you can do, but each one of these takes time and effort and THOUGHT. Not going to sugar coat it.

1) Change your perspective on social media. 

This means when you post something, it should be giving something useful to your audience. You need to compile a list of ideas and also look at how other successful bloggers/entrepreneurs do this.

Jasmine Star is a great example. She went from wedding photographer to social media entrepreneur.

2) Make your list of useful things that you can share with your audience.

For me, I have two audiences: 1) Future brides, and 2) Photographers. I know this because I still look to other photographers for good advice. I am not ashamed to say that I ask for and look up to other photographers to become better.

Things that are useful to them include, how to choose a photographer, where to find one, etc. Photographers look to other photographers for advice on gear, planning, business advice, etc.

I make my posts to help answer those specific questions.

3) Write the posts.

This includes the entire blog post, links, research and photos.

4) Plan when you will post them. 

Remember, there are specific times of the day that are better for posting. I found this one on Pinterest:

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