Aglow & Arrow

Photography, Community, and Entrepreneurship

Basic Photoshop Editing for Photographers

Herbie and the pups and I went to Gold Beach for Thanksgiving. We had amazing sunny weather even though it was chilly, which meant gorgeous pictures on the coast! These photos have been edited for vibrance and brightness, so no, they are not straight out of camera (SOOC).

I realized that there are some simple edits that I do on a daily basis when editing my own and client photos, and some people may want to know how to do them. I have taught these to my students as well. I created screen captures to demonstrate how to use them (and I've included the links here!)

 The most basic edits are:

1) Creating a gradient filter layer with complimentary colors:

2) Using the dodge tool to lighten eyes, create highlights, brighten dark spots:

3) Painting a color on a new layer and decreasing opacity to intensify the colors of an image:

4) Using the clone stamp tool to remove an object from your image and replace it with something else from the image:

In the above photo, I created more contrast and brightness, but I also painted on purple at the botttom and turquoise in the water and decreased the opacity (number 3 on the list). This made the colors more intense. :)

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